What is a STP Account | Inveslo's Standard STP Account
Learn About Forex
23 October @ 08:54

What is a STP Account?

Trading is a notable kind of investment that offers a valuable opportunity to make significant returns in a short proportion of time. As with any investment, it is fundamental to grasp the different types of accounts available and the benefits and risks related to each.

One sort of account that ends up being dynamically popular among forex traders is the Standard Straight Through Processing (STP) account. Today, in this blog, we will take a closer look at what a is Standard account, what is STP, the advantages of a Standard STP trading account, and the reasons to choose a standard STP forex trading account at Inveslo. 

What is a Standard Account?

The Standard Account is a perfect choice for traders who like to do things the traditional way. It gives competitive spreads without any commission. It means there's not too much risk when you trade. You can trade using standard lots, and the transparent prices are easy to understand. If you are a new or experienced trader in the financial landscape, then you should go with this account as it will work well for everyone. 

Choosing a Standard STP account is a safe option for those who prioritize going with traditional trading methods. However, it helps you keep more of your earnings by minimizing extra charges. 

This simple standard account is the best choice for trading with confidence.

What is STP - Straight Through Processing?

Straight-through processing is a system that processes financial exchanges electronically. However, with the help of automation, it replaces physical and paper-based activities.

An STP system speeds up settlement and remittance while taking payments. The objective is to smooth out payments so that when a transaction starts, movements of every kind related to payment processing are automated. This strategy requires no manual intercession and is quicker.

At the point when businesses take on STP solutions, errors are diminished, processing is quicker, and client assistance is better. As indicated by the Association for Financial Professionals, 47% of associations at present use STP to oversee payments, and 44% use it to manage receivables. Moreover, almost 50% of the respondents look at STP as a huge advantage of electronic exchanges, in front of cost savings and customer relations.

Suggested read: What is trading account?

Account Specifications of a Standard STP Account at Inveslo 

Here, in this section, we will mention the trading account specifications of an STP trading account. So, let’s take a quick. 

Standard STP Account 

$100 Minimum Deposit


Up to 1:2000

Trading Platform 

MetaTrader 4 

Account Currency


Order Execution

Market Execution 


From 2.1 

Margin Call 


Stop Out 


Hedge Margin 


Limit & Stop Levels 

1 Spread 

Minimum Volume in Lots per Trade 


Step Lot 


Maximum Volume in Lots per Trade 


Maximum Number of Orders 


Maximum Number of Pending Orders 


Trading Instruments 

Majors, Minors, Exotics, Spot Metals, Spot Indices, Spot Energies


Advantages of Standard STP Account

A Standard STP - Straight Through Processing account offers numerous benefits. It ensures no dealing desk interference, low spreads, and lower cost. 

Traders will get other pros including transparency and competitive pricing. Here, in this section, we are going to disclose the top benefits of Standard STP trading accounts. 

Lower Costs

STP accounts commonly have lower costs than traditional market makers. This is because the broker doesn't need to go about as the counterparty to trades, which decreases their risk exposure and permits them to offer lower fees to traders. Inveslo is a forex broker with no hidden commission, tight spreads, and quick market execution speeds.

No Dealing Desk Interference

One more advantage of a Standard STP account is that there is no dealing desk impedance. This implies that the broker is not associated with the execution of trades and doesn't can control the market in support of themselves. This helps with reducing the risk and fraud and the transparency of the trading process.

No Conflict of Interest

As the broker does not go about as the counterparty to trades and doesn't profit from the trader losing money, there is no conflict of interest between the trader and the broker. This helps with making a level battleground and ensures that brokers can trade in a fair and transparent environment.

Improved Execution Speed and Efficiency

The immediate admittance to the interbank market presented by an STP account also implies that trades are executed faster and more productively than they would be with a traditional market maker account. This can help diminish the risk of slippage and further improve the overall trading experience for traders.

Direct Access to the Interbank Market

One of the essential advantages of a Standard STP account is that it gives brokers direct permission to the interbank market. This suggests that traders can trade straightforwardly with the market, rather than through an intermediary go-between, which can assist with lessening the cost of trading and work on the speed and viability of trades.

Reasons to Choose Standard STP Account

Settling on a Standard STP trading account is a savvy decision due to its different advantages. Traders benefit from second-trade execution, tight spreads, and insignificant slippage. The account ensures competitive pricing and transparency and gives different techniques. With permission to a wide extent of financial instruments, it's a glorious decision for traders searching for a flexible and reliable trading environment.

Additionally, in this section, we will mention why you should go with a Standard STP trading account. Let’s take a quick: 

Tight Floating Spreads

Upgrade your trading strategy by exploiting our extraordinarily competitive spreads. At the point when you decide to trade with us, you're situating yourself at the very front of the market, empowering you to acquire an important advantage over your competitors. Our commitment to offering the most appealing spreads enables you to savvy trading, making your financial undertakings more proficient and beneficial. Join us and experience the advantages of trading with the most competitive spreads that anyone could hope to find in the present dynamic market landscape. 

Leverage Fixed Per Instrument

Don't hold back - augment your trading potential with leverage up to 1:2000. This integral asset permits you to open bigger positions, amplifying your trading opportunities and likely returns. Make the most of your capital and take advantage of each and every trading decision.

Market Execution

Access live market statements in a split second and appreciate quick trade execution. Get immediate, real-time prices for speedy decision-making and experience lightning-quick order processing. Remain ahead in your trading game with our instant, expert market data.

Hedging Allowed

Protect your investment with risk control. We give insurance from surprising mishaps or adverse events. Keep your trading safe and secure, limiting possible misfortunes and ensuring your financial strength.

No Hidden Commissions

Experience the freedom of trading financial assets with next to no concealed fees. We don't charge you any hidden commissions - simply straightforward and direct trading. Know precisely the exact thing you're paying for and trade with certainty, realizing there are no secret costs.

SWAP-free Option Available

Trade without worrying over for the time being fees or interest charges. Keep your trades open as long as you like, with next to no additional costs. Don't bother paying or getting any additional money in view of how long you stand firm on your situation. Trade with an inward feeling of harmony and adaptability.

Concluding Thoughts 

A Standard STP account is a great decision for traders looking for productive forex trading. Its benefits are different, making it a lean-toward decision for some. The key advantage lies in its ability to give admittance to liquidity from various sources, bringing out more tight spreads, and quicker execution times.

Also, the transparency and no irreconcilable situations make it an engaging choice for traders. The ease and usability of a Standard STP account, joined with the deficiency of dealing desk intervention, ensure a fair and impartial trading environment. For those focusing on precision and dependability in trading, the Standard STP account is a persuading choice.